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Black Forest Gutter Cleaning In The Winter By COS Exterior Services

When Should I Clean My Gutters If I Live In Black Forest, CO?

Black Forest Gutter Cleaning
1. How Often Should I Clean My Gutters In Black Forest, CO?
2. When Should I Clean My Gutters If I Live In Black Forest, CO?
3. The Very Best Way To Remove Pine Needles From Your Gutters If You Live in Black Forest, CO (Or Elsewhere)
4. The Two Most Important Questions To Ask Before Getting Your Gutters Cleaned In Black Forest, CO

“Wait – you’ll come and clean my gutters now? I thought that should only be done in the Fall.”

The customer called COS Exterior Services after noticing the gutters on their Black Forest home were full. They were surprised that I recommended a Spring cleaning and it was good that they had them cleaned at that time.

Whether you can see visible piles of pine needles building up in your gutters or if you suspect there is an issue, knowing when to clean your gutters is important. It’s a common question I receive and the answer starts with the type of trees you have around your house.

If you live in Black Forest, Colorado – those trees are usually pine trees. According to the Utah State Foresty Extension, pine trees produce needles several times per year. This regular growth means that the old needles will drop off or fall away as new needles grow in. A good thing for the tree, but bad news for your gutters.

Since pine trees drop their needles frequently, this means those needles will fill up your gutters and build up on your roof throughout the year.

What Time Of Year Should I Clean My Gutters if I Live In Black Forest?

Knowing how pine tree growth happens influences when you should clean your gutters if you live in Black Forest, CO. Based on our experience at COS Exterior Services, you will want to have an early Spring cleaning. This gets your gutters ready to handle the large amount of snow that comes through our area usually in April.

You’ll also want to have a follow-up cleaning in the Fall, starting around October. Between Spring and Fall, a lot of pine needles have dropped off the trees on into your gutters. Waiting to remove those needles from your gutters until Winter will be difficult will be difficult. The pine needles and any standing water can get frozen and increase the chances of your gutter system not working properly. At a minimum, having your gutters cleaned in the Black Forest area is early Spring and Fall.

This Is More Important Than When

Having a plan for when to clean your gutters if you’re near Black Forest, Colorado is good. However, more important than that is committing to a habit of regular gutter cleaning. Let me share an example.

One of our clients in Black Forest has a terrific home nestled among many pine trees. Based on the amount of debris, including pine needles, I see in their gutters, I recommended a maintenance plan. This maintenance plan translates into three cleanings every year – once in the Spring, again in the Summer, and finally a third time in the Fall. I’m amazed every time I clean their gutters, how much new debris is in them. The gutters are full almost every time. Pro tip – Pine needles build up in your gutters continually, so a consistent gutter cleaning schedule when living in Black Forest is important.

Two More Ideas To Determine When You Should Clean Your Gutters

I’d like to give you two additional guidelines to help determine when you’ll want to have those gutters cleaned. If it’s been, say longer than a year a cleaning is probably needed. Also, if you walk around the outside of your home and see pine needles either protruding from the gutters or building up on the roof shingles, these are two signs that indicate the need to have your gutters serviced. Not doing so can cause some major issues.

Those issues come down to this – water needs to go somewhere. If your gutters are full of pine needles, that water will stay in the gutter, back onto your roof, or seep down into your walls. In addition, having a thick mat of pine needles built up in your gutters creates a wet and mucky environment that is perfect for things you don’t want. Think bugs and mold!

If you’re not comfortable checking your gutters yourself, not to worry! Many folks would prefer to stay off a ladder and this is why COS Exterior Services offers a gutter cleaning inspection service. We offer this service in several areas, including Black Forest, Colorado, and Monument.

Two Important Things To Remember

Living in Black Forest, CO is special.

The natural beauty, open spaces, and distinct pine trees make it one of the most desirable places to live in Southern Colorado. If you’re fortunate to have a home here, consider getting your gutters cleaned at least twice per year. Once in the Spring and again in the early Fall. If you have lots of pine trees, a summer cleaning could also be necessary. Just as important as when, however, is to be consistent with that gutter cleaning.

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