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Pro Tips From a Professional – How To Clean Pine Needles Out of Gutters

I'll cover the proper equipment you'll need if you want to clean your gutters that are full of pine needles. Also, share the process I follow that is the best way to get pine needles out of your gutters, and several pro tips to make this job easier. At the end of this post, I'll also share the biggest mistake that most homeowners make pine needles and gutters.
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Dirt In Gutters, COS Exterior Services, Gutter Cleaning Colorado Springs

How To Remove Dirt From Your Gutters

Dirt. It's great for gardening, but not if left in your gutters. Dirt can cause many problems, like clogged downspouts, keep water from flowing through your gutters, and even lead to them ripping away from the house. There are several tools I recommend you use. These include a gutter scoop, a garden hose, or a shop-vac depending on what you have. Regardless of what tool you use, make sure to remove dirt from your gutters.
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