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Here are a few things for your Colorado Springs home this winter.

Winter Maintenance Checklist For Colorado Springs

First, get your furnace ready. Use a qualified company to inspect yours. When it’s freezing outside isn’t the time to find out this appliance won’t work. Also, change out the filters

Second – prevent pipes from freezing. Consider covering the outside spigots, using insulation wrap on exposed pipes, and disconnecting your garden hoses. Doing so can really help to avoid costly water damage.

Third – Prep your winter equipment. Put a good ice scraper and extra water in your car. Know where the snow shovel is in your house and test other equipment, like space heaters and snow blowers. Finally, have some snow melt on hand (I know, the sun here in Colorado Springs usually means we don’t need this, but it’s still good to have).

The fourth item is making sure your gutters are ready for winter. December is the snowiest month here in Colorado and your gutters are critical to taking that snow (and water) away from your house.

Finally, for the fifth item test your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors. These are easy to forget about, however, test them today and replace the batteries if needed. Doing so could save your life.

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