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Pro Tips From a Professional – How To Clean Pine Needles Out of Gutters

The leaves are falling and the days are getting shorter. Sure signs that Fall is here. With this season, many folks start thinking about how to clean pine needles out of their gutters. This article will walk you through the proper equipment you’ll need to do that, the process I follow that is the best way to get pine needles out of your gutters, and several pro tips to make this job easier. At the end of this post, I’ll also share the biggest mistake that most homeowners make pine needles and gutters.

Get the right equipment

Gutter cleaning can be done with only a few pieces of equipment. However, having the right equipment makes a difference, especially when it comes to removing pine needles from gutters.

Pine needles present challenges that other debris, like dirt or leaves, don’t. Needles frequently mat together and they also trap dirt and water underneath to form a mucky layer that doesn’t allow the water from rain or snow to flow through your gutters easily.

Here’s the basic list of gear I recommend to get pine needles out of your gutters:

  • Bucket, trash bags, gloves
  • Old clothes that you’re okay getting grimy

The best bags I’ve found, are contractor or outdoor-specific trash bags. These tend to be heftier than normal kitchen bags and more durable. Pro tip – put several trash bags in the bottom of your five-gallon bucket before you start cleaning. Then, line your bucket with another trash bag, so that the ones in the bottom are covered. This will save you trips up and down the ladder.

Gloves are a must-have. The type I recommend are nitrile because they keep your hands dry from the gunky standing water that is in almost all gutters clogged with pine needles. I’ve already mentioned using a five-gallon standard bucket. My recommendation is to have one with a handle, as it will make carrying the bucket easier. Second pro tip – have several pairs of gloves available. Inevitably, one pair will tear or get soaked while cleaning gutters.

The old clothes are last on the list. Gutter cleaning is dirty, wet, and dangerous work. Wear clothes that you’re comfortable getting grimy!

How To Clean Pine Needles Out of Gutters

Now that you have the equipment, let’s cover the process of removing pine needles from the gutters.

The basic and best process of getting the pine needles out is simple, but not easy. You scoop the debris from the gutters into your bucket. You might find that some areas of your gutters have more dirt and fewer needles. For sections like that, a tool like a gutter getter is helpful.

Work In Small Sections and Take Your Time

It can be daunting to look at all those pine needles and wonder how you’ll get your gutters cleaned. Break the job down into small sections. This matters for several reasons:

  • There is usually a lot of build-up of debris
  • Pine needles can get really heavy so you don’t want to overload your bucket and your capacity to carry it up and down

The Best Tool To Use With Pine Needles And Gutters

Imagine that you can reduce the time and effort it takes to remove pine needles from your gutters with one tool. Would you get it?

I would. The tool I use on every single gutter cleaning job and the one I recommend for folks looking to do this themselves, is the Gutter Tool also known as the Gutter Hawg. This tool’s effectiveness stems from its design. After you attach it to an extension pole, the Gutter Hawg allows you to pull debris underneath gutter hangers and closer to you. The original version (please don’t get some cheap knock-off online) is durable and does well with pine needles.

To recap, the best way to clean pine needles out of gutters is this – using a tool like the Gutter Hawg, along with trash bags, a five-gallon bucket, and ample amounts of patience and determination.

The Most Important Thing

One lesson I’ve learned from cleaning thousands of square feet of gutters is this:– most homeowners aren’t consistent enough with getting pine needles out of gutters. Too often they wait until debris pile up or are spilling out of the gutters. So the most important thing when it comes to how to clean pine needles out of gutters is to be consistent.

All the tools and tips in the world won’t matter unless you consistently remove pine needles from your gutters. Not doing so can lead to roof and siding damage or even foundation issues from water build-up.

Learn More

If you’d like to learn more about COS Exterior Services, feel free to visit our website.

If you’d like to know how often to clean your gutters and are near Black Forest, CO – this article answers that question.

If you only have some dirt and leaves in your gutters, then this other blog article may help.

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