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Screen Repair By COS Exterior Services

Open windows let you get fresh air and also enjoy the wonderful nature just outside your home or building. Window screens play a crucial role in that enjoyment.

What Is COS Exterior Services Repair Process?

Over time, the bug screen or mesh breaks down. Whether from age, the sun, or someone with scissors, your window screens will need to be repaired. Our repair service for small and medium screens includes an assessment of the screen, replacement of the mesh, replacement of the spline, and wipe down of the frame.

When Should I Check My Screens?

I recommend an annual inspection of window screens. If you’ve noticed issues with bugs or mice in your home, certainly have them inspected also. Contact COS Exterior Services today and I can help with both the inspection and repair of window screens.

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Screen Repair By COS Exterior Services

COS Exterior Services – local, reliable, and caring.

Call/Text - 719-401-5576

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